
User Guide

Duke is a Command Line Input (CLI)-based interactive list management application that runs on Java 11 or higher.


Create a task-list

Create a task-list where you can add, delete, update and view various tasks, automatically storing the list at the location of your choice.


When you are just starting out on a new task-list, and want a convenient way to keep track of to-dos, deadlines and events.

CREATE TASK <filepath>

Creates the task-list at the filepath specified by the user.

Example of usage:

CREATE TASK data/tasks.txt

Expected outcome:

A new task-list is created in the file named tasks.txt in the folder /data. If the folder /data does not exist where the .jar file is located, then the folder is first created and then the file is created in the folder.

Add a task

Add a new to-do, deadline or event to the task-list.


When you have a new task you want to add to the task-list.


Example of usage:

TODO read book

DEADLINE return book /by next Monday

EVENT project meeting /at 2020-09-21T06:18:00

Expected outcome:

The respective tasks are added to the task-list.

Mark a task as done

Tick off a task that you have completed.


When you have completed a certain task on your task-list.

DONE <index>

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

The first task in the list is marked as done.

Delete a task

Delete a task from the task-list.


When you no longer want to keep track of a particular task, or simply want to delete a wrong entry.

DELETE <index>

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

The third task in the list is deleted.

View all current tasks

Get a view of all the current tasks in your task-list, including whether they are done or not.


When you want to view all the tasks in your list, or verify the index of the task you want to delete or edit.


Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

All the tasks in the task-list listed by rows.

Search by keyword

Search for a task or multiple tasks containing a keyword.


When you want to view specific related tasks that contain the same word instead of all the tasks in your list.

FIND <keyword>

Example of usage:

FIND book

Expected outcome:

All the tasks in the task-list containing the keyword "book", listed by rows.

Close the application

Close the application using a command, and receive a greeting from Duke.


When you are done with the current session and want to close the application.


Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Duke replies with a greeting, and the application closes shortly after.

Load a task-list

Load a task-list that was previously created.


When you start a new session and want to resume the task-list from a previous session, or when you are working with one list and want to swap to another list. (See UNLOAD)

LOAD TASK <filepath>

Example of usage:

LOAD TASK data/tasks.txt

Expected outcome:

The existing task-list stored in data/tasks.txt is loaded to the current session.

Unload the current list

Unload the list you are working with in the current session.


When you want to move on to a different file without restarting the session.


Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

The current working list is unloaded from the session so that another list can be loaded.

Start a finance log

Create a finance log where you can add or delete categories, increase or decrease the amount in each category, and view a summary sheet of the categories and their totals, and automatically store this data at the location of your choice.


When you want to keep track of your financial data, such as expenses.


Example of usage:

CREATE FINANCE data/finances.txt

Expected outcome:

A new finance log is created in the file named finances.txt in the folder /data. If the folder /data does not exist where the .jar file is located, then the folder is first created and then the file is created in the folder.

Add a category

When you are just starting a new finance log, or want to add a new category to aggregate your financial data.


NEW <category_name>

Example of usage:

NEW Food

Expected outcome:

The category Food is added to the finance log, with a starting amount of $0.

Increase/Decrease the amount

Increase (or decrease) the amount in a particular category. (Note that the minimum amount in a category is $0.)



Example of usage:

ADD Food 4.50

REDUCE Allowance 10

Expected outcome:

The amount in the Food category increases by $4.50, while the amount in the Allowance category decreases to $0 (since the amount deducted exceeded the base amount).

Rename a category

Rename a particular category in the finance log.


When you made a typo in the naming of a category, or maybe you want to broaden or restrict the category (e.g. Food -> Lunch)

RENAME <category_name> <new_name>

Example of usage:

RENAME Trnasport Transport

RENAME Food Lunch

Expected outcome:

The Trnasport category is changed to Transport, while the category previously named Food is renamed Lunch.

Remove a category

Remove a particular category from the finance log.


When you want to completely remove a category and any amount associated with it from the finance log.

REMOVE <category_name>

Example of usage:

REMOVE Transport

Expected outcome:

The category Transport is completely removed from the finance log.

View all finances

View a summary of the categories and their amounts.


When you want to take a look at all the categories currently in the finance log and see how much is in each category.


Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

All the respective categories and their amounts are neatly presented in a table format.

*All command words are case-insensitive but are presented in uppercase to make them more distinct.
